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More Quotes from our Tutors

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"One of the things that I enjoy about tutoring is the connection with someone else. Tutoring has given me the opportunity to meet someone else whom I wouldn't normally meet through any other venue that I can think of."  - Darla

Ben Hunter

"It makes me proud and happy to see Luis’s progress. I have learned a lot about English by teaching it. As a native speaker of English I have come to realize that I have a valuable skill that I can share. I get a lot of satisfaction from sharing this skill with Luis. To my delight Luis and I have become good friends." - Ben

Mark Kotkin

"I have great respect for our Learners, who take time out of their often busy schedules to learn English. Second, I feel that I am serving my country by enabling our Learners to become more productive and comfortable residents in a different culture. Third, I really enjoy my tutoring sessions and find them personally uplifting."  Mark

Harold German

"Getting to know the student, learning about their background. finding out what their interests are, and thinking of creative ways to come up with Lesson plans all make tutoring interesting. I have a background in theater so I'm always thinking how can I bring some of that background into tutoring. I also like the spontaneity component of it. You can plan for a lesson, and then you realize when you're in the room with the student that you have to throw it out the window and just kind of be in the moment with the student." Harold

"Tutoring has been deeply rewarding, as I forge connections, gain insights into our crazy language and learn about different cultures both internationally and within our own community. It's satisfying to see improvements in a learner's life because of our work together."  Susan

"I tutor English because I meeet interesting people that, as they're learning English, I learn about the countries they come from. I have certainly made a lot of friends. English helps people enhance their educational and professional opportunities which changes their lives for the better.. English is the common language. A lot of groups that gather have different backgrounds and English makes them all be able to communicate."  Olga